Blaser Swisslube Logo





9001, 14001, 45001 ISO certificate IQNet – Blaser Swisslube AG

9001、14001、45001 ISO 证书–Blaser Swisslube AG

B-Cool MC 600 - "简单有效。"

B-Cool MC 610 - "无比干净——无论是机床、工件,还是乳液 。"

B-Cool MC 640 CI – "确保最终铸铁加工的清洁性。"

B-Cool MC 650 AL – "不妥协。"

B-Cool MC 660 - Running smooth.

B-Cool Motec 501 – 专门为汽车行业的批量加工所研发。

PDF Downloads for Blasocut - Blaser Swisslube

Blasocut 系列-100%不含杀菌剂

Blasocut 生物概念的基础知识

Blasocut 201 - 天然稳定。

Blasogrind GTC 7 – " 我看不到一个气泡  。"

Blasogrind GTE 5 – "突破困境。"

Blasogrind GTM 4 - When every micron counts.

Blasogrind GTM 10 – "A true multi-talent."

Blasogrind GTS 15 – " 无与伦比的品质。"

Blasomill GT 8 X Downloads - GT8X - Blaser Swisslube

Blasomill GT 8 X - "一应俱全,懂你所需"

Blasospark GT 250 - ‘‘My clear choice sinker EDM oil.’’

PDF Downloads for Blaser Swisslube cutting oils

切削油 / 磨削油


Globally Harmonized System

Grindex S 35 - " 时刻准备着。"



公司 "我们的宗旨" 和 "行为准则"

REACH at Blaser Swisslube


Synergy 735 – "A surface like a mirror."

Synergy 735 Downloads

Synergy 735–" 清澈似水。"

Synergy 915 – " 低消耗、高性能、干净的工件。"

Vasco 6000 – " 永不止息地流动。"

Vasco Skytec H 600 - 解锁刀具在 钛加工中的潜力。

PDF Downloads for Blaser Swisslube water soluble coolants

水溶性冷却液 – 当冷却液成为液体切削工具


Blaser Swisslube AG – HALAL Approval Certificate

Blaser Swisslube AG – HALAL Cerificate (WHFC)

Blaser Swisslube AG – Kosher Certificate

Blaser Swisslube AG – How to find us

Blaser College: Maintenance of water-miscible metalworking fluids during production stops

Blaser College: water-miscible coolants – cleaning and filling of machines

Blaser College: Neat oils – cleaning and filling of machines

Daily Coolant Monitoring Log neutral pH

Daily Coolant Monitoring Log

Profit from our knowledge and experience