We take a closer look.
Visit us at INNOTEQ 2023
Did you know that the correct use of the right metalworking fluid can have an enormous leverage effect on the stability, quality, performance and thus, the costs of your production?
We examine every chip in detail
Decades of machining experience have taught us there are complex correlations between chemistry and mechanics. Our chemists and machining experts in our laboratories and technology center focus on every detail, developing metalworking fluids that help you fully capitalize on the potential of your machines and tools.
We help you reach your goals with our Liquid Tool Analysis
Each customer situation is unique. With your challenges and goals as starting point, we analyze your machining process together with you on site and propose a tailored solution – which we then test in your production environment to ensure that we achieve the improvements we promised. We also support you in change over, monitoring and maintenance as well as in your future optimization efforts.
Peace of mind with smart coolant management
The right metalworking fluid, correctly monitored and maintained, has a positive effect on all aspects of your production. Discover our solutions at our booth at INNOTEQ 2023 – from online monitoring to fully automated management of your metalworking fluid.
Get the most out of your machines and tools
Visit our booth and profit from our knowledge and experience. Our machining experts can help you turn your metalworking fluid into a key success factor – a Liquid Tool.
Booth D15 / Hall 2.0