For more than 85 years, we have been reputed for dependable first-class products that are human-compatible and environment-considerate.
Our company stands firmly on the following foundations:
A solid family company
For three generations, the Blaser name has stood for sustainable leadership and values. Our family company culture has a tradition that we now uphold as a global player as well.
Swiss competence
Our customers not only want cutting fluids, but also need a competent and dependable partner to help optimize their machining processes. With our committed team, we provide this partnership.
»We trust each other and maintain an open approach within the company as well as with our customers.«

Marc Blaser
Ongoing progress
More than 80 specialists at our headquarters R&D and technology center are constantly developing better solutions for tomorrow.
- State-of-the-art research & development
- 3500 m2 – the biggest R&D lab in this segment
- Joint research projects with universities and technical institutes
- Customer service troubleshooting laboratory
- Innovations such as DNA analysis of cutting fluids
- Product trials on the latest CNC centres and machine tools
- Project cooperation with customers and industrial partners
production facilities
international agencies
years in business
Production plants
This is where it all started in 1936. Thanks to innovation, pioneering and team spirit, founder Willy Blaser’s company grew within a few decades into one of the most successful and popular in Switzerland. About 300 people now work at the Hasle-Ruegsau headquarters, plus as many again worldwide. Research and development is located exclusively in Hasle-Ruegsau, where 40% of the Swiss workforce constantly searches for still better solutions. About 90% of turnover is now generated abroad.
Blaser Swisslube USA was founded more than thirty years ago. Sales activities started 1981 in White Plains (NY), and five years later in 1986 the Goshen production plant opened. Success soon came thanks to competent customer support by the team of sales engineers and machining specialists. Not least for this reason, customers regard Blaser Swisslube as the best firm in this sector on the US market. Goshen is the Blaser Swisslube headquarters for North and South America.

A special kind of company tour - ballooning as a passion :
Apart from machining, we also love ballooning. In 1989 Peter Blaser had the idea of carrying the company name out into the world on a balloon. That was how the Blaser ballooning group started, with currently sixteen hot-air balloons in Switzerland, Germany and the USA. Ballooning has become part of the corporate culture.

A piece of company history :
Willy Blaser sold his first product – Blaha-Glanz - to the local farmers. His younger brother Hans was production manager right from the start.
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