オーラル、ヘア、パーソナルケア製品の世界的な大手サプライヤーであるTrisa AGは、その製造において問題に直面しました。不安定なクーラントを使用していたため、2〜3か月ごとに交換する必要があり、変色して非鉄金属とアルミニウムに汚れが残りました。Blaser Swisslubeの専門家による徹底的な分析の後、旋削とフライス盤のプロセスはVasco5000クーラントに変換されました。結果は満足のいくものでした:エマルジョンサンプの寿命は4倍になり、プロセスは安定し、変色はなくなりました。
Trisa employs around 1,100 people in its entire group. The employee- and family-run company was founded in 1887 and has been in the hands of the Pfenniger family for four generations. While 50,000 toothbrushes were produced each year in the 1950s, this number has now risen to over one million a day. In 2018, consolidated sales amounted to 219.6 million Swiss francs. Trisa is based in Triengen in the canton of Lucerne.
Andreas Meier, Head of Production at Trisa, contacted Blaser Swisslube in 2018. He was unhappy with the coolant situation in his company and was considering switching to Blaser Swisslube products. Following a change in its formulation, the coolant used had been unstable for some time. Additives had to be added constantly, but the emulsion sump life was still only around two to three months. In addition, there was staining on copper alloys and aluminum. This meant that tools had to be cleaned before machining. In short: process security in production was unreliable.
The objectives were clearly identified at the start of cooperation: firstly, a stable, sustainable process needed to be achieved, secondly, both coolant discoloration and staining on metals needed to be eliminated.
A Blaser application engineer visited the production site to get a precise picture of the situation in production. Different materials are processed, such as various grades of steel, copper alloys, aluminum and plastics. A variety of operations are used, such as milling, turning and grinding. “We also checked the water quality and found that only soft water is available. All of these factors influence the choice of the right coolant,” explains Marco Frey.
The Blaser application technician recommended the use of Vasco 5000 for milling and turning. This coolant is based on renewable raw materials and is free from mineral oils. “The natural polarity of the oil molecules ensures excellent performance. Thanks to the compactness of the lubricating film, Vasco 5000 is stable under high pressures and temperatures,” says Frey. Before the changeover, the people in charge at Trisa checked the coolants compatibility with aluminum and copper. As part of an immersion test, aluminum and copper parts were immersed the coolant and then the behavior of the coolant and materials was evaluated. The results were positive.

Vasco 5000への切り替えにより、アルミニウムと銅の汚れを完全になくすことができました。クーラントの変色も問題ではなくなりました。Blaser Swisslubeは、クーラントの切り替えを監視する上で主要な役割を果たし、クーラントの最適な取り扱いと保守に関するトレーニングコースも提供し、Trisaの従業員の監視に対する意識を高めることも目的としていました。