Naturally stable.
Blasocut 201
Christoph Fankhauser, Product Manager, Blaser Swisslube AG, Dany Fankhauser, CEO, Fankhauser Engineering AG
Ideal for job shops producing small batches in a variety of materials
- Suitable for all common job shop applications and materials
- High protection against aluminum staining
- Clean machines and parts thanks to excellent rinsing behavior
- Suitable for both hard and soft water
- For individually filled machines and central systems
Bio-Concept – proven alternative to conventional metalworking fluids
- Supports the growth of benign primary bacteria commonly found in drinking water
- Stops the growth of other, potentially harmful microorganism
- Eliminates the need for bactericides
- Safe and effective – proven in thousands of facilities since 1974

Blasocut with Bio-Concept – gentle to people and the environment

Benign primary bacteria stop other microorganisms from growing.

Stable emulsion tolerant to tramp oil ensures long sump life.
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