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Frequently asked questions

From product specs, distribution, company info and more, search below to find the answers you are looking for. In the event you have a unique question that is not listed, fill out the form at the bottom of the page and a Blaser representative will get back with you ASAP. 

Who is Blaser Swisslube?

For more than eight decades, Blaser Swisslube has been reputed for dependable first-class products that are human-compatible and environment-considerate. Our company stands firmly on the foundations of family values and Swiss competence.

What is Liquid Tool?
Our unique mix of machining experts, customized services, and excellent products will turn your metalworking fluid into a key success factor… a Liquid Tool. Click here to learn more.
Where are Blaser products manufactured?

Blaser Swisslube metalworking fluids are proudly manufactured in Hasle Ruegsau, Switzerland and in New York, United States.

Are Blaser products expensive?

Our price per barrel may be higher than your current solution but with the increase in productivity and the decrease in tool wear that you will achieve, you will see a massive improvement to your bottom line. Additionally, Blaser Swisslube offers unparalleled support services. 

How long will metalworking fluid last?

It depends on your level of monitoring and maintenance, as well as the parameters of your specific application. In general, coolants will last approximately 12 to 18 months, but with the right maintenance, Blaser metalworking fluids have the potential to last several years.

What is the difference between water-miscible metal working fluids and neat oils?

There are many differences, it is best to contact one of our specialists to give you a detailed breakdown of the various solutions we offer, but two of the main differences are that water-miscible fluids excel at flushing and rinsing while neat oils offer superior lubricity.

Will Synergy 735 corrode my machine?

Synergy 735 is a synthetic fluid and synthetic fluids from any manufacturer will have an adverse effect on galvanized or other zinc coated components. If your machine does not have any galvanized or other zinc coated components, you will have no problem running Synergy 735.

Which product is the best for each material?

Every situation is unique, let us run a Liquid Tool analysis to discover the ideal solution for your material and process. 

How do I mix my coolant?

We recommend the use of a mixing device like a Jetmix. If you decide to mix manually, always add the concentrate to the water slowly while stirring the water vigorously.

Is water quality important?

Yes, water makes up approximately 90% of the sump volume. As part of our service, we provide a water analysis at no cost to our customers. Please contact your rep to make use of this service. 

What pH do I need to run with Blaser coolants?

This will vary depending on your material and working conditions, please contact one of our specialists to discover the ideal pH range for your particular solution.