Micro-Cut, based in Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, specializes in high-precision machining of difficult-to-machine materials and complex shapes. With its strengths in advanced professional technology and thorough quality control, the company aims to become a world-class, cutting-edge manufacturing group. Micro-Cut’s management policy is to establish the world’s most advanced standardized machining technology and manufacture products that contribute to the development of its customers.

In cooperation with the team of Blaser Swisslube Japan, Mr. Nishibeppu conducted a one-month test of these two products. After seeing the overall positive test results, he decided to use Synergy 735 on two NC lathes that process parts for medical-related equipment and Blasomill GT15 on five NC automatic lathes that process parts for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
This whole initiative, led by Mr. Nishibeppu, has been well received within the company as it has contributed to improved profit margins and sales. Micro-Cut has an established internal award system that recognizes departments that have improved their operations and achieved positive results. “Development Department Group 2, which I belong to, was recognized and awarded for top performance,” explains Mr. Nishibeppu with a smile.
Hizima Seiki plans to continue using the products in the future. “Everyone in the factory appreciates the quality of the Blaser coolants as the putrid smell that used to pervade the entire factory has been eliminated”, says Mr. Kawai.