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Cutting and grinding fluid tests – how we test in the Technology Center

Cutting and grinding fluid tests – how we test in the Technology Center

Cutting and grinding fluid tests – how we test in the Technology Center The Research and Development laboratory at Blaser Swisslube At Blaser Swisslube, we have been testing our cutting and grinding fluids in our in-house Technology Center using the latest generation of CNC machines since 2009. There are many factors to consider in these experiments. The most important thing, however, is a clean and very precise approach. A good cutting and grinding fluid has many features. In my series, I’m going to explain what needs to be considered when performing tests on cooling and grinding fluids. In the first part, I’m going to talk about materials and tools. A good cutting and grinding fluid has many features. In my series, I’m going to explain what needs to be considered when performing tests on cooling and grinding fluids. In the first part, I’m going to talk about materials and tools. Several departments work together when a new cutting and grinding fluid is developed. On the one hand, there is our Product Management team, which assesses market requirements and orders new products for development on this basis. On the other hand, there is our Research and Development laboratory. Here our chemists work tirelessly on increasingly powerful, stable and compatible products. Last, but not least, we are pleased when we receive practical feedback and suggestions from our Customer Service, which we then use in further development. Cutting and grinding fluid tests – evaluation of strengths and weaknesses Of course, all chemical and biological features, as well as human and environmental compatibility, are recorded in the laboratory. The data already covers a very wide range of information. Performance in different materials can be estimated effectively using the tribological parameters. However, the tests in our Technology Center are vital in order to assess effective performance in practical machining applications. But what does performance mean in relation to a cutting and grinding fluid? One of the most important features is the influence on tool life with consistent parameters. In order to reliably determine this influence, we need to call on our extensive experience, our modern infrastructure and our ability to work with ultimate precision. The only factor that can change from test to test is the cutting and grinding fluid. In order to get closer to the customer and everyday practice, we have had our own Technology Center since 2009 where I’m...
An enthusiastic Blaser user – BOOM!

An enthusiastic Blaser user – BOOM!

An enthusiastic Blaser user – BOOM! Titan is a big Blaser fan Titan Gilroy is an enthusiastic Blaser user and owner of TITANS of CNC. He only uses the best metalworking fluids available on the market. Titan is a fighter, and with his online platform, TITANS of CNC Academy, he has given many people an understanding of machining technologies while sharing his knowledge. Titan Gilroy is the personification of the American Dream, having made it to the very top through his own hard work. A former boxer, he is now the owner of TITANS of CNC, a CNC manufacturing workshop in Northern California, US. He also produces and stars in the TV series by the same name, TITANS of CNC, (formerly: TITAN American Built). He has founded his online platform, TITANS of CNC Academy, to offer free training for those interested in machining, students and many more in the field of CAD, CAM and CNC. Titan designed the curriculum used by the trainers and students. The online portal is the first training platform of its kind and now has fans and visitors from all over the world. It all began with the CNC machining school in the San Quentin prison. The Titan knows first-hand that the American prison system could be doing a much better job. Many former inmates stated they found it difficult to resume their life in society and to find work. In order to offer the prisoners a new perspective and to train them, an entire workshop, including state-of-the-art equipment, was built based on his ideas. The concept was a complete success, as you can see in the video below. Collaboration with Blaser Swisslube Titan has made it his mission to promote training in the machining industry in the United States. Titans of CNC and Blaser Swisslube have been working together for almost two years now. In addition to sponsors like Autodesk, Haas and Kennametal, Blaser supports the Titans of CNC Academy’s free learning platform. Furthermore, Titan is one of our metalworking fluid test users – a symbiotic collaboration. In January 2016, the time had come for Titan and his crew to pay us a visit. See the film about Titans’ 2022 visit at Blaser Swisslube, Switzerland here. Titans of CNC Academy – The Free Training Platform You can find a number of different learning modules in the fields of programming, tool optimization and metalworking fluid handling on the Academy website. The purpose of the platform is to enable interested parties to develop and learn new things. His followers include both...
What happens with the metalworking fluid samples?

What happens with the metalworking fluid samples?

What happens with the metalworking fluid samples? The journey of the metalworking fluid samples through the laboratory Triage for customer samples Our customers from all over the world send metalworking fluid samples to Hasle Rüegsau in Switzerland. Hundreds of customer samples found their way to our laboratory last year, where they were analyzed in detail by our specialists. Almost 7,000 of these samples were sent to the microbiologists in our customer service team. What happens with a customer sample? What is involved in standard analysis and what is the difference between a dip slide and a plater? Triage for customer metalworking fluid analysis In the early morning, all the metalworking fluid samples that have arrived from customers all over the world are lined up on the laboratory bench in customer service. Each sample is delivered together with a sampling report. This records the customer name, products used, tank size, filling date and much more. Measurements showing the concentration and the local pH value are also included. Each of these customer samples is now assigned a unique internal number and all the data collected are recorded electronically. The samples that have arrived for standard analysis include the following two used emulsions, which I will now deal with in a little more detail: Customer sample 1 Customer sample no. 1 / Customer sample from Germany A German customer uses our B-Cool metalworking fluid. The pH value and the concentration have already been measured on site and our sales representative sent a sample from the 6,000 liter sump to Switzerland for further analysis. Customer sample no. 2 / Customer sample from Switzerland A Swiss customer has been using a Blasocut metalworking fluid for several years. In order to check the condition of the emulsion, a sample of the used emulsion was taken from the customer’s central system. Because of their different product properties, the two customer samples now complete different test procedures. Customer sample 2 CustomerYeast, mold and bacteria cultivated on nutrient agar Customer sample no. 1 – Analysis of conserved products: Microbial growth is not usually tolerated in traditional products because the ingredients suppress the growth of microorganisms in the ready-to-use product. In order to check that everything is in order with the metalworking fluid, we use the so-called dip slide for analysis. The dip slide is coated on both sides with a nutrient agar. If bacteria, yeast and/or...
Ramping up production?

Ramping up production?

Ramping up production? How to restart CNC machines the proper way. If your shop is ready to restart production, check that the metalworking fluid has been properly maintained and is in good condition before powering up the machine. Water-miscible metalworking fluids cannot be left on their own. Without monitoring and maintenance there is a risk of developing unpleasant odors, corrosion in the machine or residue on finished parts. If you had an extended shutdown and machines were left with water-miscible fluids in the sump, follow this guide to ensure the coolant is in good and stable condition before re-use. Re-start checklist for water-miscible coolants Download the Checklist PDF and step-by-step guidance on how to restart machines the proper way, including: Tips for visual inspection Steps to check and adjust concentration How to achieve the proper pH Recommended maintenance This download may also interest you: Water-miscible coolant care – 7 tips for success PDF Restart with cutting and grinding oils The proper steps for restarting a CNC machine take into consideration the sump tank size, coolant age, coolant condition, and disposal costs of the metalworking fluid. Your local Blaser Area Manager or Blaser Customer Service Representative is ready to assist you in evaluating any concerns. We are here for you Although cutting and grinding oils do not need specific precautions, a production stop may be a good opportunity to clean the machines and change to a new oil – something you may have wanted to do for a while but never got around to it. With neat oils, proper cleaning of your machines is crucial to avoid any contamination of the new oil. Watch the video for step-by-step instructions. In the download section below, you can also find a PDF with all steps explained in detail. Downloads Water-miscible coolant checklist for re-starting after shutdown Download PDF Blaser College: Maintenance of water-miscible metalworking fluids during production stops Download PDF Blaser College: Neat oils – cleaning and filling of machines Download PDF Water-miscible coolant care – 7 tips for success Download PDF Blaser College: water-miscible coolants – cleaning and filling of machines Download PDF Coolant monitoring sheet (Excel file) Download Excel...
26 percent longer tool life

26 percent longer tool life

26 percent longer tool life Company building in Fulenbach, Switzerland The specialists at Ramseier Werkzeugbau found themselves struggling with short tool life. This was because the coolant used was not able to efficiently dissipate the heat generated during turning processes. Series production was switched to B-Cool 9665 in cooperation with Blaser Swisslube. This not only extended tool life by 26 percent, but also reduced overall costs, increased productivity, optimized machine cleanliness and eliminated skin problems among employees. Based in Fulenbach in the canton of Solothurn, E. Ramseier AG, is active in the areas of tool manufacturing, mold design and plant engineering. It particularly specializes in the design and manufacture of perforating, pressing, bending, follow-up cutting tools and plastic injection molds. Ramseier Werkzeugbau has a versatile fleet of CNC turning and grinding machines, stamp grinding machines, surface grinding machines, wire erosion machines and many more. Thanks to its many years of experience in design and production, Ramseier Werkzeugbau enjoys the trust of well-known companies from all areas of the metalworking industry. Initial talks between Ramseier Werkzeugbau and Blaser Swisslube took place in 2017. The problem encountered by production managers at Ramseier was that extreme heat was generated during turning operations such as roughing or parting and grooving that could not be dissipated by the coolant used. As a result, neither the tool life nor the cutting values achieved were satisfactory. In addition to the main goal of increasing tool life, the aim was also to improve machine cleanliness and human compatibility because machine operators have experienced skin problems in the past. View of the shop floor Milan Golubovic, Head of Series Production at Ramseier Werkzeugbau, knew Blaser Swisslube application engineer Marco Frey from a previous collaboration with a metal cutting company. He was also familiar with the Blaser B-Cool 9665 coolant from his previous job and was always satisfied with the coolant’s performance. Together, Marco Frey and Milan Golubovic analyzed the situation at Production in Ramseier Werkzeugbau. The various processes were examined, tools, machines and materials were inspected. “We need to take a holistic view of all details to ensure we choose the best possible coolant. If the coolant is ideally matched and maintained for all processes, it becomes a liquid tool and increases efficiency and...
Complete process optimization with your coolant partner Blaser Swisslube

Complete process optimization with your coolant partner Blaser Swisslube

Complete process optimization with your coolant partner Blaser Swisslube Discussion of Simon Balz from Blaser Swisslube and Mirko Laubscher from Laubscher More than just a coolant supplier – for its customer Laubscher Präzision AG, Blaser Swisslube reproduced and optimized the entire production process in its in-house technology center. The results are convincing: a reduced cycle time of over 16% and an extended tool life of about 15%. Laubscher Präzision in Switzerland The collaborative project began in 2016. Blaser Swisslube’s goal was to rebuild an existing production process with a Pfiffner rotary transfer machine in its in-house technology center and optimize it step by step. Assessing the machining strategy and tools was just as much a part of the process as the choice of the ideal metalworking fluid. “In our technology center, we can not only test newly developed metalworking fluids extensively, but also simulate our clients’ processes. We have to remember that factors such as machinery, strategy, tools, materials and coolants are decisive influences on the machining process”, explains Christoph Wüthrich, head of Blaser Swisslube’s technology center. Initial situation Industry: Medical technologiesManufacture of: Precision-turned partsOperation: Various – milling, drilling, turning, sawing, etc.Material: Inox 1.4305Machinery type: Pfiffner rotary transfer machine In order to produce precision-turned parts, Laubscher Präzision AG has multiple Pfiffner rotary transfer machines in use. “We wanted to take a look at the entire process with our coolant partner, Blaser Swisslube, to have a more productive process”, says Mirko Laubscher of Laubscher AG. An improvement of the soft factors, such as low foam, transparency of the cutting oil and reduction of the oil mist was equally important to Laubscher. Throughout the entire test phase in the Blaser Swisslube technology center, tools and coolants were tested and process steps were analyzed and optimized. “We took our time to test each parameter individually so that we could improve the production process sustainably”, explains Simon Sakica, Application Engineer at Blaser Swisslube. “Furthermore we replaced a universal cutting oil with a transparent, latest-generation, high-performance cutting oil”, Sakica adds. Laubscher oversaw and supervised the project’s development. This included regular meetings and visits at Blaser Swisslube. Achieved optimizations The 1.5 years invested in research were well spent....