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Discover the central role that metalworking fluids play in machining – via articles from our experts in the technology center and laboratory, as well as from our customers around the globe.
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Blaser Swisslube, in collaboration with its industry partners, embarked on a unique and ambitious project: CNC machining a model of the Lamborghini Huracan Evo 2 Super Trofeo race car . This endeavor was...
CNC Machining of a Lamborghini
ITT Bornemann managed to increase coolant sump life eightfold in co-operation with Blaser Swisslube by using B-Cool 9665. Machine cleanliness, human compatibility and consumption have all been optimized....
ITT Bornemann & Blaser Swisslube – Co-operation increases productivity and process security
In cooperation with the team of Blaser Swisslube Japan, Mr. Nishibeppu conducted a one-month test of these two products. After seeing the overall positive test results, he decided to use Synergy 735 on two NC...
Less machining time and increased productivity due to better cutting performance
When Mr. Kawai shared the issues with Mr. Naohiro Shimaura, a Blaser Swisslube sales representative, he was recommended Synergy 735, which has a very low odor and minimal skin impact, and Vascomill 10, which...
Thanks to Blaser, hand irritation and bad smell are a thing of the past
A three-month test phase clearly demonstrated that B-Cool MC 610 enabled Vetterolf not only to produce up to 20 percent faster, but also to sustainably optimize surface quality....
Wheel rim manufacturer Vetterolf: Increased quality and productivity thanks to Blaser B-Cool MC 610
Sticky residue on parts and machines as well as a suboptimal coolant service life were problems that precision manufacturer RCM Estech AG in Burgdorf, Switzerland, reported when it contacted the metalworking...
RCM Estech & Blaser: “We’ve come further than we originally intended”
Precise analysis of the manufacturing processes, constructive, solution-oriented discussions, and dedicated teamwork enabled Swiss precision manufacturer Wittenstein AG to increase productivity step-by-step,...
Wittenstein scores a success with bactericide-free Blaser metalworking fluid
Kappler specialists are working in close collaboration with Blaser Swisslube’s metalworking fluid experts, as part of a comprehensive development process, to establish an ideal product for the specific...
Kappler & Blaser: Working hand in hand to achieve a clean process in the production of complex electronics
After closely examining the processes together, Blaser Swisslube recommended using the high-performance cutting oil Blasomill 15 as a hydraulic oil. Today, the Häni team is delighted to report longer tool...
Blasomill 15 as a Process Optimizer for Häni & Co. AG
The macro high-speed recordings are impressive: Viewed in slow motion, a carbide milling tool removes a perfectly shaped brass chip. The Blaser Synergy 735 metalworking fluid becomes cloudy around the curling...
Blaser examines every chip in detail in an innovative series of tests
For three decades, leading PTFE industrial valve manufacturer ChemValve-Schmid AG has relied on metalworking fluids from Blaser Swisslube in its diverse machining processes....
ChemValve-Schmid – Planning reliability and clean machines with B-Cool
A special kind of cooperation was witnessed in Baden-Württemberg in 2020-2021: Machine builders F. Zimmermann GmbH, tool experts from Mapal and metalworking fluid specialists from Blaser Swisslube, came...
Combined expertise offers optimum process security
Pfiffner Messwandler AG has successfully used Blaser Swisslube's Blasocut BC 25 MD without interruption for over 15 years. Sustainability that pays off....
Coolant service life of more than 15 years thanks to the Blaser bio-concept
In early 2021, Mannheim-based manufacturer, BCE Special Ceramics GmbH, thoroughly tested Swisslube’s high-performance coolant Synergy 915. With excellent results....
Coolant optimizes complex ceramic grinding processes
The innovative Blaser high-performance grinding oil Blasogrind GTC 7 and its special additives ensure optimum cooling and lubricating performance through rapid air release....
Blasogrind GTC 7 reduces processing times by ten percent
Besides daily visual checks, the measuring of the concentration and the monitoring of pH value and emulsion hardness, there are also other factors that need to be checked to ensure an ideal emulsion....
Nitrite and microbial growth
The fundament for an ideal maintenance of coolants is to ensure good starting conditions. A long sump life can only be achieved with professional cleaning before refilling a system....
System cleaner for good starting conditions
Besides the concentration, there are other parameters of water-miscible coolants that need to be monitored and measured: The pH value and the emulsion hardness are among the most important factors to check....
Monitoring pH value and emulsion hardness
The concentration of the emulsion is the most important to check on site. Then there is no stable process without a stable concentration....
Measuring the coolant concentration
During machining processes, water-miscible metalworking fluids can get contaminated in different ways: by dirt, guideway and hydraulic oil, metal fines and even from unknown substances. Daily inspections can...
Monitoring is key
To optimize the overall process safety and quality, a metalworking fluid emulsion must be perfectly balanced and stable. To accomplish that, it is crucial to maintain an ideal water quality....
Water quality is a key factor
No matter whether the emulsion is mixed manually or with automatic mixing equipment: Either way, a precise concentration is key for a stable emulsion and optimized lubrication....
Perfect concentration ensures stable emulsion
The machines may not be running, but you need to monitor and maintain your metalworking fluid anyway. A production stop may also be a good opportunity to clean your machines and fill them with new coolant....
What to do with your metalworking fluid during longer production stops?
We want to understand the influences microorganisms have on our various cutting and grinding fluids and vice versa. That’s why Blaser Swisslube has invested in a host of machinery and technologies....
DNA and flow cytometry in the microbiology laboratory – CSI from Hasle-Rüegsau
The last part of my series is about measuring performance and comparing different cutting and grinding fluids. What is particularly important when comparing sump life? All other factors, in addition to the...
Cutting and grinding fluid tests – performance comparisons among cutting and grinding fluids
The second part of my series on the Technology Center focuses on the cutting and grinding fluid and its handling. What needs to be considered? Cutting and grinding fluid concentration, water quality as well as...
Cutting and grinding fluid tests – what needs to be considered in cutting and grinding fluid management?
Blaser is running coolant test. The equipment includes now a microscope camera and a spike sensor for tracking tool wear and cutting force. This allows for faster collection of meaningful data....
Technology speeds development of highly effective metalworking fluids
In order to accelerate basic research in the field of turbocharger manufacturing, Blaser Swisslube, in collaboration with their partners, have carried out extensive tests at the company’s own Technology...
The metalworking fluid turbo for the automotive industry
Oil quantity, volume flow and pressure of the MQL aerosol can be directly taken into account in the digital process chain. This offers a clear advantage in comparison to conventional metalworking fluids....
Minimum quantity lubrication – Industry 4.0
Blaser Swisslube has carried out an extensive analysis of the milling of steel turbine blades in collaboration with GF Machining Solutions AG – Liechti Engineering and Walter AG. Conclusion: Minimal quantity...
Research on the processing of turbine blades with minimum quantity lubrication
Blaser Swisslube is further expanding its basic research in the field of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) at its in-house technology center in Hasle-Rüegsau. For this purpose, it invested in a new GROB...
Steadily expanding our expertise in the field of minimum quantity lubrication
A good cutting and grinding fluid has many features. In my series, I’m going to explain what needs to be considered when performing tests on cooling and grinding fluids. In the first part, I'm going to talk...
Cutting and grinding fluid tests – how we test in the Technology Center
Titan Gilroy is an enthusiastic Blaser user and owner of TITANS of CNC. He only uses the best metalworking fluids available on the market. With his online platform, TITANS of CNC Academy, he has given many...
An enthusiastic Blaser user – BOOM!
Our customers from all over the world send metalworking fluid samples to Hasle Rüegsau. What happens with a customer sample? What is involved in standard analysis and what is the difference between a dip...
What happens with the metalworking fluid samples?
If your shop is ready to restart production, check that the metalworking fluid has been properly maintained and is in good condition before powering up the machine....
Ramping up production?
The specialists at Ramseier Werkzeugbau found themselves struggling with short tool life. Series production was then switched to B-Cool 9665 in cooperation with Blaser Swisslube. This not only extended tool...
26 percent longer tool life
More than just a coolant supplier – for its customer Laubscher Präzision AG, Blaser Swisslube reproduced and optimized the entire production process in its in-house technology center. The results are...
Complete process optimization with your coolant partner Blaser Swisslube
The world-renowned pepper mills by PSP Peugeot are sold in over 80 countries worldwide. The Liquid Tool by Blaser Swisslube helped PSP Peugeot improve their production process considerably by saving tool...
Blasomill GT 22 – The cutting oil with a tangible added value
The Blaser coolant Blasocut 4000 Strong has a sump life of over 20 years now! It all begun in 1998 when Tata Motors in Pune was looking for a high-quality metalworking fluid. Now Punit Gupta, Managing Director...
20 years of sump life – and still going strong!
It is no secret that productivity is a key element for success in manufacturing. What not everyone knows is that the solution to increase productivity is not always linked to costly investments, major...
Blaser’s Liquid Tool helps orthopedics manufacturer lower costs, increase productivity
Cleaner machine, oil free coolant and better maintenance? Steven Boh was very keen to know more about the new Blaser development Synergy 735. Especially the easy maintenance of the coolant and the possible...
Synergy 735 – convincing in regards to maintenance and better view of the machining operation
The situation facing Biral AG, the leading Swiss pump manufacturer, in its production hall was anything but optimal, with an unstable emulsion and unsatisfactory coolant service life the least of the company’s...
Sustainability is the primary objective
Trisa AG, a leading global supplier of oral, hair and personal care products, faced problems in its production. Following thorough analysis by the specialists from Blaser Swisslube, the turning and milling...
Sustainable production thanks to the Liquid Tool
When AMI Industries, a precision manufacturer in Tainan, Taiwan, purchased a new machining centre, the German machine manufacturer recommended the use of Blaser Swisslube metalworking fluids. With the holistic...
Metalworking fluid helps to reduce tool wear by more than 20%
Sometimes synthetic metalworking fluids end up negatively impacting tool life when used with tough materials. Wells Manufacturing overcame that issue when it converted to Synergy 735 from Blaser Swisslube....
Synthetic cutting fluid keeps shop cleaner
Serious skin problems among machine operators and the resulting high level of sick leave gave those responsible at Weber-Hydraulik GmbH considerable cause for concern. The culprit was the use of unstable...
Optimum coolant ensures skin compatibility and increases productivity
After the Catalan high precision manufacturer Joan Bonastre S.A. opened a new production plant, the technicians identified a number of problems in the workshop. Together with the metalworking fluid specialists...
New cutting oil for maximized workplace safety and productivity
Unstable coolant and unpleasant odors in the shop were the main concerns of the manufacturing team from IG EVEARTH when visiting the Blaser Swisslube stand at JIMTOF. After a thorough analysis of the...
Three times longer sump life significantly saves costs
The results with Synergy 735 at PB Swiss Tools spoke for themselves. Tool life was increased by around 10 percent, with process reliability remaining at the same level. The top-up rate was almost halved, which...
Holistic approach optimizes processes and tool life
Faster grinding processes, fewer dressing intervals and machine idle times, better process security, fewer rejects, better surfaces and optimum human compatibility....
High-performance grinding oil improves quality and economic efficiency
Technocube in India experienced the leverage effect of the optimal coolant on the productivity: They were able to reduce tool costs by almost 40 percent with the Blaser Blasocut coolant solution...
Tool cost savings by up to 40 percent and rust-free parts with Blasocut
The Swiss metalworking fluid expert Blaser Swisslube has opened a dedicated laboratory in its China subsidiary in Shanghai....
Blaser Swisslube opens laboratory in Shanghai
JinMyeong PowerTech from Korea experienced the leverage effect of the optimal cutting oil. They were able to reduce tool costs by 25 percent with the Vascomill CSF 35....
Vascomill CSF 35 – optimizing a hobbing process at its best
Sigma Surgical in India experienced the leverage effect of the optimal coolant on the productivity: They were able to reduce tool costs by almost 50 percent with Synergy 735 and Vascomill CSF 35 plus achieve a...
Synergy 735 and Vascomill CSF 35 – achieve tool cost savings and stable processes in the medical industry
Coolant Vasco 3000 from Blaser Swisslube maximizes tool life and productivity of automotive manufacturer Yuhuan Jingrun Machinery Co. Ltd. in China...